Monday, 11 April 2011

Question 5: Evaluation

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I used a variety of techniques to try and attempt to address my target audience. The main technique, and most effective feature, of the magazine was the use of colloquial language – “Street Slang”. This in particular would relate to the target audience as they more than likely will hear the same language day in and day out, as well as using the language itself in there own daily lifes. The particular use of language, such as “Sickest”, “Crew”, “Cruisin’” and even “Thug life” are all phrases and words that the reader of this magazine will hear and use everyday, and for this, will look to buy this magazine as they can relate to what is being displayed and the genre itself. In addition to language, the use of costume and props where pivotal in addressing and attracting the target demographic. Two models in the contents page are wearing woolen hats, as well as hooded jumpers and large bomber ajckets. These all fit into the particular stereotypical outfits worn by people who both rap and listen to rap, which is something that I particularly wanted to emphasis this point to the readers so they can engage and read into something that relates to there gratifications. When looking at the figures used, they are all young; between the ages of 16-17. This further would attract my target audience as they too will be around the similar age group and gender and will therefore want to pick up the magazine and read into something that they can relate to its artists – being a teenager and male. Moreover, the non-verbal communcation used by the figures appears to be in some cases quirky and somewhat cheeky. This again relates to the target audience, who are stereotypical both quirky and cheeky, which furthermore will engage with the target demographic. It is beneficial to remember that 40% of all magazine purchases are determined by the content of the front cover, instead of brand loyalty. This is why the sue of a colloquial register, urban clothing and props as well as non-verbal communication all help the magazine to engage with the target audience.

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