Friday, 25 February 2011

Audience Research Questionnaire

1.) What is your gender?

Male [ ] Female [ ]

2.) How old are you?

Under 16 [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ................ 16-20 [ ] 21-25 [ ] 26-30 [ ] Over 30 [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ................

3.) What is your favourite genre of music?

Rock [ ] Pop [ ] Metal [ ] Indie [ ] Hip-Hop [ ] Club [ ] Classical [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ...................................

4.) How many people would you like to be displayed on the front cover?

One (Solo artist) [ ] Two (Duet) [ ] Three (Small group) [ ] Four (Group) [ ] Five (Large group) [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ................

5.) How many people would you like displayed on the contents page?

One (Solo artist) [ ] Two (Duet) [ ] Three (Small group) [ ] Four (Group) [ ] Five (Large group) [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ................

6.) How many people would you like displayed on the double page spread?

One (Solo artist) [ ] Two (Duet) [ ] Three (Small group) [ ] Four (Group) [ ] Five (Large group) [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ................

7.) What colours would you like to appear constantly on the front cover, contents page and the double page spread?

Lime Green/ Mauve Purple/ Silver Grey [ ] Blood Red/ Metallic Grey/ Black [ ] Sunshine Yellow/ Warm Orange/ Light Red [ ] Baby Blue/ Tonic Pink/ Clean White [ ] Tiger Brown/ Crème/ Maroon Red [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ..........................................................................

8.) What is your preferred font for the masthead?

SF AUTOMATION [ ] coalition [ ] STENCIL Std [ ] FEAST OF FLESH BB [ ] HEADLINE ONE [ ] Docteur Atomic [ ] Defused [ ] Hobo Std [ ] Arial Black [ ] GeosansLight [ ] Trajan pro [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) .....................................

9.) What is your preferred font for the headline?

SF AUTOMATION [ ] coalition [ ] bebas neue [ ] FEAST OF FLESH BB [ ] HEADLINE ONE [ ] Docteur Atomic [ ] SF Aftershock Debris [ ] Hobo Std [ ] Arial Black [ ] GeosansLight [ ] Trajan pro [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) .......................................

10.) What is your preferred font for the cover line?

HEADLINE ONE [ ] Docteur Atomic [ ] BEBAS NEUE [ ] Hobo Std [ ] Arial Black [ ] GeosansLight [ ] Trajan pro [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ...................................................

10.) What fonts would you like to appear constantly on the front cover, contents page and double page spread?

SF AUTOMATION/ headline One/ GeosansLight [ ] Times New Roman/ Impact/ Bebas Neue [ ] Trajan Pro/ hursheys/ JustAnotherfont [ ] Feast of Flesh BB/ Vivaldi/ Stencil [ ] Arial Black/ Hand writing Mutlu/ Florida Project Phase One [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ....................................................................

11.) What would you like to see featured in the music magazine? (Please pick more than one)

Gig reviews [ ] Reviews [ ] Gossip [ ] Competitions [ ] New music [ ] Photo shoots [ ] Posters [ ] Interviews [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify below on dotted line) .............................................

12.) How often do you purchase music magazines?

Once a day [ ] Once weekly [ ] Twice weekly [ ] Three times weekly [ ] More than three times weekly [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ............................. Once monthly [ ] Once yearly [ ] Never [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) .............................

13.) How often should the publication be circulated?

Daily [ ] Weekly [ ] Monthly [ ] Yearly [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) .................

14.) What is the maximum price you are willing to pay?

Under £1.50 [ ] £1.50 - £2.00 [ ] £2.00 - £2.50 [ ] £2.50 - £3.00 [ ] £3.00 - £3.50 [ ] More than £3.50 [ ]

15.) What is your preferred camera angle shot for the front cover?

Mid-shot [ ] Low-angle shot [ ] High-angle shot [ ] Long shot [ ] Close up shot [ ] Extreme close up shot [ ] Wide shot [ ] Establishing shot [ ]

Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) .......................................

16.) What is your preferred camera angle shot for the contents page?

Mid-shot [ ] Low-angle shot [ ] High-angle shot [ ] Long shot [ ] Close up shot [ ] Extreme close up shot [ ] Wide shot [ ] Establishing shot [ ]

Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ........................................

17.) What is your preferred camera angle shot for the double page spread?

Mid-shot [ ] Low-angle shot [ ] High-angle shot [ ] Long shot [ ] Close up shot [ ] Extreme close up shot [ ] Wide shot [ ] Establishing shot [ ]

Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) ........................................

18.) What type of genre would you like the music magazine to be?

Hip-Hop [ ] Mainstream [ ] Indie [ ] Rock [ ] Club [ ] Pop [ ] Rap [ ] Blue [ ] Other [ ] (Please specify on dotted line) .................................

Thank you for your time.

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